Well, after about a seven-year hiatus, the Bloody Murder message board is back up and running (and with the original URL, too!). I've tried my best to get it back to looking the way it did back in 2008. Obviously, there will be a few updates coming to it. I can't believe how much ProBoards has changed!
If you're wondering what I'm talking about, let me refresh your memory with this quote from the old BMF from March 2, 2008...
ATTN: Forum Was Deleted!!!Yeah, that was a sad day in BM history. Now let's move past that. I don't expect the forum to ever be what it once was. Everyone has grown up and moved on. But to those who do remember, and for new members awaiting, I officially announce the return of the BMF forum!
Posted Sunday, March 2, 2008 by Nick
For some unknown reason, Proboards, who have hosted the Bloody Murder forum since 2002 decided that it was in violation of their TOS policy -- therefore, it was deleted! No one is more mad about this than me. I have merged the forum with my Scream board for now. Please register and PM your post counts and I'll get you all back to normal...and I am so sorry for this...